
Top End Conservation Management works with a number of orgnisations to achieve great environmental goals


Territory Native Plants

TNP provides TECM with quality locally provenanced native plant seedlings for their revegetation and landscaping projects.

Charles Darwin University

TECM works with CDU to provide students with practical work experience on conservation and land management projects.

Greening Australia

TECM works closely with GA to provide the following services: environmental restoration, conservation planning and science, carbon off-setting and native seed supply. 

Living Water Smart

TECM is a registered contractor for Power and Water’s Living Water Smart Program.

Landcare NT 

TECM works closely with LNT to develop conservation and land management projects.

National Landcare Network

TECM is a NT Representative on the Member Council 

Territory NRM

TECM is a member of TNRM.

Gamba Grass Roots 

TECM works closely with GGR in their Gamba grass initiatives.

Pew Trust 

TECM works closely with Pew Trust in their conservation and land management initiatives in the NT. 

Friends of Mitchell Creek Catchment 

TECM works closely with FOMCC to plan and implement their catchment management projects. 

Billee McGinley

Billee provides TECM with professional GIS Services.

Tierra Australia

TECM works closely with TA, a leading service provider responsible for scoping, developing, resourcing and implementing new business opportunities through Research, Development and Extension (R,D&E) programmes. Includes the following services: Rangelands - rangeland catchment analysis and regeneration planning; Rangeland property management; Environmental planning and bushfire mitigation services;  rangeland carbon trading services; and rangeland ecology services. Research: research development and extension (R,D&E); Enterprise economic analysis; industry economic analysis; social science research, cultural and practice change; project implementation and development, consulting and advisory for agricultural enterprises; bushfood research intensification and domestication. Communication: market development and supply chain management; training for industry and workplace engagement; permit and approvals assistance services;  cultural liaison; consulting service to Government and policy advisory; and Eco tourism development.

Think Water Provides

TECM with system design, irrigation advice and parts for their revegetation projects.

Water Dynamics

Provides TECM with irrigation advice and parts for their revegetation projects.